10 Reasons Why You Should Start Skipping If You Didn’t Already

In order to stay fit, people take up many activities that they may or may not like. But skipping rope is something that can be enjoyed while also meeting fitness and health goals.

Skipping is a form of exercise that you can do regardless of where you are, and how much time and space you have. It is an infinitely cheaper form of cardiovascular exercise, providing many health benefits.

Here are top 10 reasons why you should be skipping more.

It won’t break the bank

Skipping ropes cost next to nothing. You can pick up one for the price of your lunch.

It’s a full-body workout

Skipping is an excellent full-body workout recruiting as many muscles as you could possibly think of — calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs, shoulders, and arms.

Cardiovascular training

Skipping is a great tool for improving cardiovascular fitness. In just a few weeks, studies say, skipping can have a significantly positive impact on both men’s and women’s cardio. In fact, one study comparing 30 minutes of daily jogging with 10 minutes of skipping found both forms of exercise significantly improved participants’ cardio.

Burns a lot of kcals

Research shows skipping can burn up to 25 – 30 kcals a minute in both men and women. If you’re looking to reach a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, skipping could be the burner you’ve been looking for.

 Improved agility

Skipping rope is a great activity. We can see countless examples of how jumping rope is incorporated into sports training to improve agility.

Increased variety and flexibility

One of the best arguments to incorporate jump rope into your routine is the variety of workouts you can do. From endurance and interval training to improving power output and the ability to do it virtually, there are loads of tricks out there.

Can make you happier

Performing exercise releases signalling molecules (neurotransmitters) called ‘endorphins’ that can help improve your mood. Skipping fits perfectly into the zone of moderately intense exercise which may be the best to ensure you are in a good mood.

Improved coordination

Skipping may be a super simple exercise to improve motor skills, balance and overall coordination. A study found in two sessions a week for several weeks, skipping improved balance and motor coordination in a sporting population.

Decreased injury risk

In one study, researchers compared the contact force on the knee of 20 healthy, young adults when they ran and skipped at the same speed. Compared to skipping, running produced almost twice the average peak force on the patella or kneecap.

Running also produced almost 30 percent greater average peak force on the tibiofemoral joint, or the knee hinge formed between three bones: the femur, tibia, and patella.

Researchers found skipping burns 30 percent more calories than running and is less impactful on the body.

May make you smarter

Skipping helps with the development of the left and right hemispheres of your brain, which further enhances spatial awareness, improves reading skills, increases memory, and makes you more mentally alert. A few minutes of skipping can engage the parts of the brain which are associated with being advantageous for cognitive learning.


Also Read: Exercising In The Morning vs. Evening May Affect Your Fitness Results

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