Medicinal Properties Of Bhut Jolokia You Probably Didn’t Know About

Bhut jolokia, known as ghost pepper or king chilly worldwide, is the spiciest chili in the world with a staggering 10 lakhs SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) but did you know that it has medicinal properties? This famous spice has several health benefits that not many are aware of. In India, it can be found in the northeastern states of Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, and Sikkim. Different places have different names. Though your spice tolerance has to be really high to consume it on a regular basis.

Promotes Heart Health

Capsaicin reduces cholesterol levels and has the ability to dissolve blood clots, improving heart health.

Gastrointestinal benefit

Regular consumption in small amounts can do wonders for your stomach. Capsaicin makes the body secrete saliva and gastric juice which protects the mucous membrane from mechanical and chemical damage.

Treating Arthritis

Studies suggest that bhut jolokia has potential anti-arthritic activity. Traditionally, in the northeastern states of Assam, a paste is made of bhut jolokia, garlic, ginger, betel nut leaf, sesame, and salt. This paste is further heated and applied directly over joints.

Natural Pain Reliever

The capsaicin present in bhut jolokia produces endorphins in our brain and relieves pain. It acts as a painkiller for minor muscle aches, backaches, brushes, and sprains.


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