Mental Health Benefits Of Sleeping With Your Pet

Research has shown that sleeping with a pet has a wide range of advantages both for the owner and the pet.

Sleeping with your furry friend can be therapeutic. Research has shown how pets can help keep loneliness at bay and make you more positive towards life while also alleviating your anxiety and depression issues. Many people report anxiety and stress issues while going to the bed alone and find it difficult to fall asleep. Sleeping with your pet companion could help relieve stress and improve sleep quality as per research.

Depending on your comfort level, one can either snuggle with the pet to fall asleep or keep them in the same room for soothing company. However, health experts say if you have asthma or other allergies, being in close proximity to a cat or dog can prove to be a trigger and must be avoided. Also, people with certain sleep disorders should avoid sleeping with pets to avoid waking up in the middle of the night.

Sleeping with a pet is not just beneficial for humans, it’s wonderful for the well-being of pets too as just like their humans, pets too crave comfort and emotional attachment. Research has shown that sleeping with a pet has a wide range of advantages both for the owner and the pet.

It is very important to have an emotional connection with someone, and in case you have a pet at home it actually serves the purpose. Because of pets, one is more likely to be physically active – be it playing with the pet or taking it for morning or evening walks. Playing, walking, or experiencing the joys of life helps one stay fit and healthy and pets do play a role in this.

Benefits for the owner

Several studies have shown how sleeping with a pet can actually help the person have stronger willpower and a better mental state.

“People who sleep with their pets claim that the quality of their sleep has improved after they have started sleeping with a pet. Also, individuals with pets are less likely to require sleep medication than those who don’t have pets.

Benefits for the pet

Letting your pet in your bed will strengthen your bond with them and create a stronger sense of security because protecting the pet is also the owner’s responsibility. It is also a sign of strong trust your pet has in you when they want to sleep next to you.


Also Read: Dogs Can Help Reduce Stress in Children

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