5 Yoga Exercises To Improve Memory And Concentration

Yoga plays a very strong role in the brain development of an individual, keeps your brain healthy, and prevents the early onset of mental disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc. Check out these 5 Yoga exercises to improve memory and concentration.

Yoga is accessible to everyone regardless of age, gender, and fitness levels and it can be considered the elixir for youth and vitality since this ancient science is a dynamic process that boosts brain functions. Along with this, Yoga also provides us with innumerable physical benefits as the practice of Yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation have a positive impact on the central nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory system, respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems, etc.

This aids in the overall development of the individual as Yoga enhances skill, thereby improving productivity levels and the practice of asanas builds concentration, immunity, and focus, has a holistic impact on the central nervous system, and plays a very strong role in the brain development of the individual, improves creative abilities and will keep your brain healthy and prevent early onset of mental disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, etc.

Vrikshasana – Tree Pose

Method: Begin in Samasthithi. Stand erect and keep your feet together. Fold the right leg and place foot on the inner thigh of the left leg. The right knee is perpendicular to the left leg. Inhale and bring your palms together in Namaskar mudra in front of your chest. Keep your spine straight.

Paschimottanasana – Seated Forward Bending

Method: Begin with Dandasana. Keep your knees are slightly bent. Lift your arms up and keep your spine erect. Exhale and empty your stomach of air. Bend forward at the hip as you exhale and place your upper body on your lower body. Lower your arms and grip your big toes with your fingers. Try to touch your knees with your nose. Hold the asana for a while.

Bakasana – Crane Pose

Method: Begin with Samasthithi. Place your palms flat slightly ahead of your feet but away from them. Point your fingers forward spreading them apart. Bend your elbows slightly and place your knees just below your armpits. Lean forward in such a way that all your body weight shifts to your arms. Balance and slowly lift both your feet off the ground. Bring your feet together. Straighten your arms as much as possible. Focus at a point and hold this asana for a while.

Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose

Method: Begin by lying down on your back. Place your arms beside your body. Gently lift your legs off the floor and position them perpendicular to the floor with feet facing the sky. Slowly lift your pelvis and back off the floor. Bring your forearms off the floor and place your palms on your back for support. Achieve a straight line between your shoulder, torso, pelvis, legs, and feet. Focus your gaze on your feet.

Sirshasana – Headstand Pose

Method: Begin on your knees. Place your elbows on the ground. Form an equilateral triangle with your interlocked palms and elbows. Place the crown of your head on the floor in front of your palms. Your palms should support the back of your head. Walk on your toes towards your head until your back straightens. First, lift your right leg up and align it with your upper body. Use your core strength, and balance, and lift your left leg up. Join your legs and point your toes down. Stay in the pose as long as you are comfortable.


Also Read: International Yoga Day: Here’s How Yoga Is Therapeutic For Diabetes Patients

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