Stretch Marks: Causes And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Them

It is not just during pregnancy that you get stretch marks, there are other reasons as well. Want to decrease and diminish the appearance of stretch marks? Here’s all you need to know about why stretch marks appear (apart from pregnancy) and effective ways to get rid of them.

Giving birth to a child is a distinct delight to all the aches you have endured throughout your pregnancy, which is a beautiful journey in and of itself. Every pregnant lady has developed stretch marks at some point and stretch marks are something that we have finally come to accept in this day and age, yet for some reason, many people are still bothered by them.

Stretch marks may be made to look less noticeable with the use of a number of efficient treatments and therapies. You can greatly benefit from doctors’ advice to decrease and diminish the appearance of stretch marks but first of all, it is important to know what are stretch marks.

Striae distensae is the medical word for stretch marks that often start out on the skin as red or purple marks that gradually start to fade and turn into white or silver marks over time. The variation in hue divides them into old and fresh markings and new or red-colored are the ones that can be treated comparatively very easily. Since blood vessels are located just beneath the epidermis, they are originally crimson. The blood vessels are more sensitive since they are situated just below the surface, making treatment simple. White stretch marks, on the other hand, are older and therefore more challenging to cure. This is because as blood vessels get older, they get more constricted, making it more challenging to apply therapies to increase collagen synthesis. As a result, there are few available treatments, and they are challenging to cure.

However, it is not just during pregnancy that you get stretch marks. There are other reasons as well.

1. Pregnancy

As the belly area enlarges to accommodate the growing baby, the skin over the abdomen is stretched, giving rise to stretch marks. During pregnancy, the hormones are erratic, and some of them also increase the likelihood of stretch marks.

2. Puberty

The child is constantly growing in size; it is called a growth spurt. This cause girl to get stretch marks around the breasts and hips and boys around the thighs and arms.

3. Heredity

Having a family history can predispose the occurrence of stretch marks.

4. Weight fluctuation

Rapid weight gain or weight loss also causes stretch marks.

5. Corticosteroids

These are often used in the form of OTC fairness creams, steroid injections for bodybuilding, and pills. This can give rise to stretch marks by making the skin thin and decreasing the skin’s ability to stretch.

6. Medical conditions

Cushing’s syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome are some of the medical conditions which can also cause stretch marks as they increase the level of cortisone in the body.

Treatment for stretch marks

Stretch marks are permanent, just like any other scar but with the correct care, they can become less apparent. Before treating stretch marks while pregnant or nursing, talk to your doctor first since some treatments include retinol, which might be harmful to your unborn child. Early treatment of stretch marks can have positive outcomes while having minimal impact on more advanced stretch marks.

Relieve itching

Itching can aggravate the redness and make stretch marks worse. Apply coconut oil to relieve itching while seeking treatment from your dermatologist.

Anti-stretch mark creams

For best effects, gently massage the lotion into the stretch marks. Apply the product for months to see visible results, although topical treatments have the least impact on previous stretch marks.

Apart from these, seeking a dermatologist for stretch marks treatment is the best option. Following are the procedures performed by dermatologists:

Chemical peels

They help in removing dead and damaged skin cells and trigger skin regeneration.

Plasma Induction Therapy

It is effective in treating newer stretch marks. A sterile roller is used, which causes micro-injuries in the skin by creating tiny holes with microneedles. This activates the healing mechanism of the body. Plasma rich in platelets and growth factors when infused with micro needling boosts collagen production and helps in improving the skin texture.

Pixigenus Laser

Latest in non-ablative and fractional laser technology. This creates a pattern of tiny microscopic wounds surrounded by undamaged tissue. The microbeams penetrate deep into the skin resulting in the re-growth of cells and collagen remodeling. The micro-injuries created during the procedure will start the healing process as collagen remodels, skin tightens, and texture improves.

Neoclone Laser

This involves thermo-mechanical energy. It vaporizes channels in the skin. As a result, new collagen is produced that effectively treats active acne scars.

• Microneedling Radiofrequency

This technique is the most advanced and unique as it is useful in treating the eldest and challenging stretch marks. It can be used in patients with pigmented and tanned skin. Extremely tiny insulated needles are introduced into the skin and radiofrequency heats the dermis. This leads to collagen production and skin rejuvenation. It can be performed with PRP to achieve more beneficial results.


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