Anti-ageing nutrients: Foods You Must Add To Your Diet To Slow Down Ageing

What you eat can have a great impact on how you look and how fast or slow you age. While smoking and alcohol could restrict oxygen flow and nutrients to your skin cells and cause wrinkles and other ageing signs, having an antioxidant-rich diet on the other hand could promote longevity, slowing down ageing. Similarly, eating junk food could cause inflammation which could aggravate the ageing process causing wrinkled and damaged skin. Consuming whole foods – whole grains, whole wheat and brown rice, eggs, vegetables, nuts, fruits, and some spices can have a positive effect on the mind, body, and senses.

Curcumin: This compound in turmeric is known to have powerful cellular protective properties, thanks to its antioxidant effects. As one ages, senescent cells accumulate which is believed to speed up ageing and disease progression.

Green tea: Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a well-known polyphenol compound concentrated in green tea. This compound promotes longevity and protects against age-related disease.

Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a polyphenol antioxidant that promotes longevity by activating certain enzymes called sirtuins. Resveratrol is found in Peanuts, Pistachios, Grapes, Red Wine, Blueberries, Cranberries, Cocoa, and Dark Chocolate.

Lycopene: It is an important component of human blood and tissue and can help protect the skin from sun damage when ingested. Processed tomatoes have the highest amounts of lycopene, but watermelon, pink grapefruit, and fresh tomatoes are also good sources.

Make these nutritional changes in your diet to ensure you age beautifully and not before time.


Also Read: Top Six Nutrients To Enhance The Longevity Of Your Brain

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